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yU+co worked in tandem with mcgarrybowen to create this :90 second anthem video for Fusion-io to kick off the announcement of their next generation memory platform. An epic journey through a universe of particles emphasizes the speed of the new technology, traveling great distances in a fraction of a second. We approached it like a movie trailer, crafting a cinematic visual journey, with multilayered imagery enhanced by a full 7.1 surround sound track that creates an immersive audio-visual experience. 

The goal was to create an emotional connection with the viewer and introduce the company’s new tagline, “At the Speed of NOW.” Rather than focusing on data transfer speeds in a mechanical way, the video explores the end result in terms of human experience, celebrating the way this new technology can positively impact our lives. The particle-based animation is inspired by the speed of light, taking us into a quantum world where the possibilities are limitless.



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